Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A New Frontier

Testing...testing...1, 2, 3... Is this thing on?

It's taken a while, but I've finally broken down and jumped on the blog bandwagon.

This is a big step for me. I seem to be the last one to finally pick up on new technology.

(Seriously, ask anyone. They'll tell you I don't have netflix, text messaging or a television made in this century, smart phone, etc. I'm too cheap and too stubborn to learn something new... most of the time.)

So be patient. I'm learning.

I've had friends encourage me to start recording and sharing some of our family's experiences with our homeschooling [mis]adventures and life in general. But I've hesitated because I really didn't think I had anything extraordinary to share.

After all, (to me at least) we are just a regular family trying to muddle through most days.

And not only that, I'm just not the greatest word-talker in the world. Don't get me wrong; I love to talk, I'm just not very confident in doing it well. Writing it all down is even more of a challenge.

But then I realized that the challenge is the very reason I should do it.

So this blog is for me to record thoughts, triumphs and foibles.

Y'all are welcome along if you care to join me.

Here goes...


  1. Woo Hoo! So excited to hear about all of your adventures. You always have great ideas to share too.

  2. YAY!!! It's a great way to track growth and progress as well. :) I look forward to reading about the Laser clan.

    P.S. My kids have been praying everyday that you all find a job here and move. They think it would be so cool to have another homeschooling family with kids just their ages. :)

  3. YAY!!!!!!!! This is awesome! I can't wait to read this! *bookmarks*

  4. Good idea, Melody! I will "follow" your blog!

  5. i'm excited about this! i've considered homeschooling many times....and then realize that i need a whole lot more patience and even more skill. but i'd love to read about how you do it & what works. plus it's just a more in-depth way to keep in touch!

  6. I am now your "blog stalker". I hope that you are more consistent at yours than I am at mine (which you probably never knew existed anyway).

  7. Finally have a minute to sit and comment! I love that you are blogging about this. I am really looking forward to seeing more of how you make this work. How do you find the support in Tupelo? What kind of umbrella group are you using? What curriculum? Well I guess we should come and visit!
